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How to Handle Acne

by Miranda Kay September 04, 2020 2 min read

How Determining the Location of Your Acne Can Help You Battle It

Acne is the most common thing everyone has to deal with in their lives. It's the last thing anyone ever wants to see when they wake up in the morning. Unfortunately, it's always going to be an issue. However, there are ways to help your pimples fade quickly!

To get rid of your acne, you need to understand it first. The causes of acne are based off of where your acne is located on your face. After determining the cause of your acne, it can become much easier to get rid of it and also prevent it from coming back. This aligns with a healthier lifestyle, and a healthy lifestyle is a happy one.

We can take a look into the locations of acne first.

Analyzing Acne on Your Face


The causes of acne on your cheeks:
  • diets too high in dairy
  • transferred bacteria (i.e. holding your phone to your ear)
  • stress
  • allergies

  • Regulate your diet.
  • Make sure to clean surfaces before putting them near your face.
  • Research different ways to deal with stress, such as yoga.

Foods to Eat:
  • Aloe drinks promote hydration in the skin.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Nut milk


The causes of acne on your nose:
  • Poor blood circulation
  • Indigestion
  • Bloating
  • Food allergens

  • Eat more vegetables and greens.
  • Drink 64 ounces of water a day.
  • Eat less red meat, fast food, and dairy.

Foods to Eat:
  • Oranges and other foods rich with vitamin C.
  • Bananas have high amounts of potassium.
  • Carrots help with detoxification and digestion.


The causes of forehead acne:
  • poor diet
  • poor digestion
  • stress
  • irregular sleep.

  • Be sure to get 8 hours of sleep every night.
  • Construct a plan for a healthier diet.
  • Drink 64oz of water every day.

Foods to Eat:
  • Avocado for stress relief and vitamin B.
  • Chia Seeds provide magnesium and omega 3, which helps anxiety.
  • Dark Chocolate are rich in antioxidants.
  • Lavender or Chamomile Tea have a relaxing effect to help calm the mind.

Chin and Jaw

The causes of acne on your chin and the area around it:
  • hormonal imbalance
  • stress
  • sometimes due to a poor diet
  • Maintain a regular sleeping schedule.
  • Consume omega 3 tablets.
  • Reduce your sugar intake.

Foods to Eat:
  • Beets have low amounts of fat.
  • Cucumbers promote hydration.
  • Spinach and other leafy greens are low in sugar.
  • Replace foods high in sugar with fruit.

The key to healthy looking skin is a healthy life. Of course, this isn't so easy for everyone, and that's okay. Our bodies are all unique and different, so what may work for one person might not work for another.

Location is the key to figuring out what you can do for your skin. Just follow these guidelines, and your skin will be glowing in no time! Equip yourself to clear and prevent acne for a nice, smooth complexion.

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